MONTEOTTI family wine story starts in Venice in the early 19th century when Bartolomeo Monteotti, former member of the prestigious and world oldest bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, decided to create a philanthropic institution to promote the italian arts.
Various donation focus were decided througout the years such as the innovation in glassmaking and artisitic achievements in the famous murano venitian glass production as well as in architecture, painting, sculpture and fine wine.
Veneto area was the perfect place to develop a wine adventure. Bartolomeo sons Luca and Matteo were very enthusiastic about the achievements the winegrowers supported by the family made and decided to turn the family passion into a real business, MONTEOTTI wine house was estabished in 1862.
Today, MONTEOTTI wine range offers a full spectrum of the 'Grandi Vini Italiani' including wines from Veneto, Toscana, Puglia and Sicilia with Private label capabilities.
Bottling facilities certified IFS and BRC